Virtuous Professional Cycle

The Virtuous Professional Cycle illustrates the activities that, when pursued in concert, serve to produce, and boost your whole work self. It captures those core pieces that make work fulfilling, interesting, and impactful, and can reinforce one another.

That’s why I chose a cycle – whether it is clear or not, everything we do is connected. The Virtuous Professional Cycle activity offers the opportunity to identify and reflect on those connections. The cycle can also be used to map out who we hope to become!

I posted the cycle template(s) to LinkedIn. Use the button below to download.

You can use the template(s) to identify the core activities that produce your own Virtuous Professional Cycle. Use it again to create an aspirational Virtuous Professional Cycle by including future activities you hope to pursue.

Due to space limitations, I have included fillable templates with up to six activities in the cycle, but I encourage you to extend beyond and think about all the things that produce your Virtuous Professional Cycle. On page two I share my own Virtuous Professional Cycle as an example. I hope the tool provides you much insight. Feel free to share with others!


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